Friday, February 5, 2010


"For the word of the Lord holds true,
and we can trust everything he does.
He loves whatever is just and good;
the unfailing love of the Lord fills the earth." Psalm 33:4-5 NLT

What do you hold true? Is there anyone in your life that you can trust everything they do? It would be nice if you could trust everything that someone was doing--but is it possible? We are human and with humanness, we fail. We fail to the flesh, to peer pressure, to what the world visions as true. We are human and humans are fallible.

But our Lord--He is different. His word we can hold true. With Him, we can trust everything that He does. Why? Because He can't betray Himself. He can't be untrue to Himself. He created us in His image so that we would know what true trust and love is all about. We humans try--we think that we know what true and trustworthy love is all about--but in reality, we don't. Not until you go the extra mile like your heavenly Father did, will you ever truly know.

His love will NEVER fail you. It fills the earth. From the beauty of the rising sun, to the quiet stream deep in the redwoods, to the wind howling on a stormy night--it fills. All of these things and so many more He created to help you remember His unfailing love. From a warm hug given by a special person, a sticky kiss from a two year old, to a smile from a stranger--these are the fillings of God's unfailing love in the earth.

Can you trust in your heavenly Father? Yes you can! No matter what has happened in your past, He is and has always been the one person you can trust completely.

Will you? Will you give Him ALL your trust? Do you want to experience unfailing love in your life? Try Jesus.

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