"The night before Peter was to be placed on trial, he was asleep, fastened with two chains between two soldiers. Others stood guard at the prison gate. 7 Suddenly, there was a bright light in the cell, and an angel of the Lord stood before Peter. The angel struck him on the side to awaken him and said, 'Quick! Get up!' And the chains fell off his wrists."
Acts 12:6-7 NLT
Peter was about to be executed. He had been arrested for being a leader in the Christian movement. The night before his "trial" he was sleeping. But the Church was praying for his release. God hears the prayers of his people. He sent an angel to rescue Peter. Peter is rescued and the rest is history.
There are some truths that we should glean from this passage. The most obvious is that the Church was praying for Peter. The need for prayer and the power of prayer cannot be overemphasised. God's answer to his peoples prayer is evident. But I want us to focus on verse seven and three points of application.
1."The angel struck him on the side to awaken him." We must wake up. Peter had to wake up. So do we. Some of you are in bondage physically, spiritually, and emotionally. Those in the Church have been praying for your release. But you are asleep. You are dozing off. You are dozing in self pity, denial, complacency, fear, pain, and pride. It's time to wake up to the move of God in your life!
2. “Quick! Get up!” We need to get up. You need to wake up to the move of God in your life that wants to set you free. Then you must respond by getting up. Chose not to stay in your prison. Believe Christ has the power to set you free. In an act of faith stand up to your issues and get ready to leave your prison cell. Do it quickly. Do not linger in your bondage.
3. "And the chains fell off his wrists." It wasn't until Peter woke up and stood up that his chains fell off. We must believe that God hears and answers the prayers of his people. We must wake up to the reality of the bondage we are in. By faith in Jesus, we take a stand. Then the chains fall off and we walk in freedom.
"Father, I pray that we wake to your grace in our lives. I pray that we take s stand against our captor in the name and power of Jesus. I pray that as the chains fall off we will live in the freedom Christ brings us. With thankfulness and in the name of Jesus."
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