Thursday, March 3, 2011

Dear Christian Worker

"There he came to a cave, where he spent the night.

But the Lord said to him, “What are you doing here, Elijah?”

Elijah replied, “I have zealously served the Lord God Almighty. But the people of Israel have broken their covenant with you, torn down your altars, and killed every one of your prophets. I am the only one left, and now they are trying to kill me, too.”

“Go out and stand before me on the mountain,” the Lord told him. And as Elijah stood there, the Lord passed by, and a mighty windstorm hit the mountain. It was such a terrible blast that the rocks were torn loose, but the Lord was not in the wind. After the wind there was an earthquake, but the Lord was not in the earthquake. And after the earthquake there was a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire. And after the fire there was the sound of a gentle whisper. When Elijah heard it, he wrapped his face in his cloak and went out and stood at the entrance of the cave.

And a voice said, “What are you doing here, Elijah?”

He replied again, “I have zealously served the Lord God Almighty. But the people of Israel have broken their covenant with you, torn down your altars, and killed every one of your prophets. I am the only one left, and now they are trying to kill me, too.”

Then the Lord told him, “Go back the same way you came, and travel to the wilderness of Damascus...Yet I will preserve 7,000 others in Israel who have never bowed down to Baal or kissed him!” 1 Kings 19:9-15, 18 NLT

Dear Christian, Have you ever felt like Elijah? You have faithfully served the Lord. You have spent your life for His kingdom. Yet at the end of the day you ask yourself; "Has it been worth it?" "What have I accomplished?" You are ready to hang it up, throw in the towel.

You are hiding in a cave waiting to die. Then the voice of God speaks to you. Not in the business of your life but in the still desperation. You hear Him ask you twice; "What are you doing here?" You are honest and respond; "Lord I don't know. What am I doing here? I have faced challenges and opposition for you. I am faithfully serving you. And for what? It just doesn't seem to matter." Then the Spirit of God whispers to you; "Go back the way you came. Just like the 7,000 that didn't worship the false God Baal, I have preserved a remnant. Go back."

Dear ones, don't let the discouragements of life and the opposition of Satan cause you to throw in the towel. The end is coming. There will be a final judgment. Souls will be ushered into the presence of God or banished into eternal hell. But until that time, God is reaching out to them. His will is that none perish. He uses you and I to share the Good News.

Don't give up. Stand firm. Go back.



1 comment:

  1. Thank you Eric.
    Yes I have felt like I wanted to give up Childrens Church many many times, but God keeps pulling me back in sayin "I have good things awaiting you" So here I am waiting, and maybe he is already giving me good things, I just have to open my eyes and look around.
