Thursday, November 24, 2011

Grazie!--Day 4

"Thank God for this gift, his gift. No language can praise it enough!" 2 Corinthians 9:15 MSG

Happy Thanksgiving Day my LORD!

Dear God, I thank You today for my ancestors who thought of this day so that we, as a nation, can stop and remember what You have done for us. I pray that there will come a day that we won't need a National holiday to help us remember to thank You. That everyday will be a day that we thank You, all day long. That it would be second nature. That it would seem weird not to thank You--whenever and where ever.

Today, especially I want to thank You. I want to be like the apostle Paul as he wrote the above passage and praise You for Your gift--Your precious Son, Jesus. And I too, feel like Paul--there are not enough words or the correct words, to thank and praise You. But thankfully, since You know my innermost being, You know.

I thank you for giving beyond to point of giving. For sacrificing Your one and only Son. For--even though You knew He would be coming back--You had to still go through some 30 years without Him on the throne next to You. That through that time, You had to watch Him be called names, hated, plotted against. That at the end, You had to watch Him receive the full weight of my sin and be totally detached from You and die. What a heart break that must of been! Yet because of Your immense love for me, You and He choose to do it anyway. I am SO humbled. I am SO thankful.

Dear Lord, please forgive me for those times when I forget. For when I go on thinking that I know better than You. When I think that my way is the only way. Dear Jesus, You didn't die in vain. Your life is what pumps the blood through my veins. Your love is the oxygen that fill my lungs. Your grace is the food that I need to feast on.

On this day of Thanks, I pray that others will realize that it is not just about turkey, cranberry sauce, black Friday. I pray that the true meaning becomes real. That the light comes into their dark places and they realize what has been true all along. That You gave us Your only and begotten Son to us. To cover us so that You could have a relationship with us. You yearned, desired and loved us that much. And then they receive that truth and impart that power into their lives and praise their Heavenly Father. What a gracious Father you are!

I simply and completely love You.

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