Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Oh My Goodness!

Yes, goodness and faithful love
will pursue me all the days of my life,
and I will live[a] in the Lord’s house
as long as I live.
Psalm 23:6 CEB

The Goodness of the Lord--we hear of it all the time from the pulpit, when we read His word, when we sing the songs in worship--but do you feel it? Be honest--with yourself and your Lord--do you truly feel it? Or do you just mimic what you hear because you think, "Hey I'm a Christian. I have to say God is good, and His goodness I feel because if I don't I'm being disloyal to Him or will be judged."

Well, today, you are given the freedom to be truly honest--to say that you don't always feel the goodness of the Lord. It's an honest feeling. God wants you to be honest, to be vulernable with Him. He already knows. He already knows that you are feeling these feelings. Maybe it's because of the situation you are in in your life right now. Maybe it's because someone or something has hurt you. Maybe it's because you are in a depression and it's hard to see goodness in anything, let alone your God. Be honest. Be respectfully honest.

Until you give Him your true feelings, you are living a lie. And when you are living a lie, the goodness button gets harder to find. Harder to recognize. But the moment that you lay on His lap--the confusion, the hurt, the betrayal, whatever it is that is keeping you from truly seeing, feeling and receiving His goodness--He can deal with it. Once you release it into His capable hands, you will be amazed at how light the yoke will feel in your heart, in your spirit.

Your Heavenly Father wants to give you His goodness and He does, whether you recognize it or not. But you see, your spirital walk is not a walk that you take alone. You need the buddy system, and ultimately, He is your buddy. You have to be communicating with Him and allowing Him to communicate with you in order for the walk to be successful and safe. If you go alone, you will be attack by all kinds of creatures, you will get lost and in the end, you will die.

"'I’ll be with you as you do this, day after day after day, right up to the end of the age.'” Matthew 28:20 MSC

So today, take this very important step in your walk--be honest and share your heart with your Heavenly Father. Get all the crud out and then I know you will be amazed of how much room you will find for the true meaning of goodness to fill your spirit and when you say the words, God is good, you will truly mean it. Praise Jesus!

My dear Father in Heaven, I pray for my past feelings of not really thinking that the events of my life was covered by Your goodness. I humbly ask for forgivenss when I have just gone along with the crowd and not by being honest with You or myself. I pray that You would help me to be able to voice to You my true feelings repectfully and honestly. I pray for the wisdom to be still before You so that I can receive Your word and know that You are God--my God. Thank you so much for loving me, and for Your faithfulness and grace that You show me every single second of our journey together. I so truly love You and praise You. Amen

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