Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Simple Praise

"Do you have any idea how powerful God is?
Have you ever heard of a teacher like Him?
Has anyone ever had to tell Him what to do,
or correct Him, saying, 'You did that all wrong!'?
Remember, then to praise His workmanship,
which is so often celebrated in song.
Everybody sees it;
nobody is too far away to see it.

Take a long, hard look. See how great He is--infinite,
greater than anything you could ever imagine or figure out!

He pulls water up out of the sea,
distills it, and fills up His rain-cloud cisterns.
Then the skies open up
and pour out soaking showers on everyone.
Does anyone have the slightest idea how this happens?
How He arranges the clouds, how He speaks in thunder?
Just look at that lightning, His sky-filled light show
illumining the dark depths of the sea!
These are the symbols of His sovereignty,
His generosity, His loving care.

He hurls arrows of light,
taking sure and accurate aim.
The High God roars in the thunder,
angry against evil." Job 36:22-32 The Message

Our God is an AWESOME God is He not!? Praise Him today. Praise Him for all He is and all He is not. Do you realize that some religions have gods that are always angry and judgemental? You have a God that is full of indescribable love, uncontainable light, limitless grace.

I'm afraid that at times, we take our Heavenly Father for granted. Don't! Truly take time and read these verses and mediate upon them. Take time to look at the spiritual vision that the Lord puts into your mind when you read each line. "He hurls arrows of light..." "He pulls water up out of the sea...""The High God roars in the thunder,.."

Praise Him and all His graciousness!

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