Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Danke schön!--Day 3

"Every time you cross my mind, I break out in exclamations of thanks to God. Each exclamation is a trigger to prayer. I find myself praying for you with a glad heart." Philippians 1:3 MSG

Good morning Lord!

What a GLORIOUS morning You gave me! You continually bless me with surprises from morning to night.

I woke up this morning with a thankful heart for the people you have placed in my life. People that have helped guide me and mold me into the child that you want me to be. People who have stayed and people who have just dropped by. People who have spoken into my life and changed me forever. People that may have never spoken, but just by being there, their presence is what spoke. You planted them all and I thank You.

I thank you for the times that You have allowed me to speak into other's lives. Thank you for that tender moment when two souls can come together and just pray and You come. Thank you for breakthrough, for healing of emotional and spiritual scares, for Holy tears.

Dear Jesus, I thank you for my dearest, truest, closest friends of all--You. And with You, the Father and the Holy Spirit. Without the three of You, my life would be meaningless, I would be totally lost. You are the true meaning of agape. You are agape! You never reject me, even if I reject You. You never ignore me, even if I ignore You. You never stop loving me wholly and completely, even when I deserve it. You are the full essence of unconditional Grace.

And lastly, I hesitate to say this, but I do believe it--Lord I do thank you for those in my life that have hurt me. And the reason I hesitate is because being hurt is not pleasant. And I truly want be honest when I pray this and not a hypocrite. But I know that You have used these hurts to grow me. To make me a better person. Even though Your heart may have been breaking because mine was--it wasn't in vain. You were there. You were there when those who vowed friendship but later, for whatever reason, changed. You were there when a parent who gave me mixed messages--loving one moment, hurtful, abusive the next. The sibling that just left without reason. Whomever. I give that hurt to you Lord. On this day, I truly release it into Your capable hands. And I leave it--not to take it up anymore. I want to break the chain that has wrapped itself around my heart and spirit. The chain that has kept me in bondage. That has kept me from truly experiencing the full glory of Your love and grace for me and the love of others that You have placed in my life for me.

I love you my Precious Lord.

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