Tuesday, July 7, 2009


"I wait quietly before God, for my victory comes from him. He alone is my rock and my salvation, my fortress where I will never be shaken." Psalm 62:1,2 NLT

Our family is facing some challenges, and our faith is being tested. I find that our challenges can tend to dominate our conversations. This morning as I read Psalm 62 the Holy Spirit ministered to me. I felt him saying to me to not just wait upon the Lord, but to wait quietly.

I think that it is natural for us to dwell on our challenges as we wait. We say that we are trusting God. I believe that I am. But to wait quietly, now that takes me to a place of even deeper trust. I'm a preacher. I talk. But to wait quietly, trusting Jesus to act in His way, in His time, that is both refreshing, and uncomfortable. The gift to be silent. To totally place our issues in the Lord's hands and be still, wow! Then, to not continue to externally process our issues, wow!

I'm going for it. The Lord knows my needs. I don't need to continue to rehearse my challenges. I'm going to wait...quietly. Pray for me. I like to blab. Let me know if I can pray for you.

"I have calmed and quieted myself, like a weaned child who no longer cries for its mother’s milk. Yes, like a weaned child is my soul within me." Psalm 131:2 NLT


  1. I will pray for you. As a listener I am often comforted by Psalm 12, fools talk, wise listen. Please also pray for me as I quietly wait for resolution on medical issues. I know the Lord is leading me on this road but I do tend to harp on all the little issues. Also, I have recently been convicted by the Lord of being in a codependent relationship but I don't how to stop it and the Lord has again told me to quietly wait in this, too. Love the Blog! It "gets" me everytime! tchalk (jacobschalk8@aol.com)

  2. sorry- i mean Proverbs 12 :)

  3. Thank you so much for your kind words. Yes, we are a people that loves to make noise and too much "quiet" makes us uncomfortable.

    I will be praying for you. And I know you will do the right thing because you are a beautiful daughter of our Lord. Love, Eric
